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Information on the rabbit

Information on the rabbit 

·         -Rabbits are social animals that can be subtle and fast

·         White rabbits run softly at speeds of up to 18 miles per hour

·         Their ears can reach 10cm, and the length provided their hearing potential can be approached

·         The body fluids are moved by blood vessels in their ears .

·         Each eye moves up to 360 degrees, which allows them to look behind them without turning their heads.

·         Rabbits do not get enough food in their diet, they usually eat their own toxins to get the rest of the food that the digestive system does not digest.

·         -the Rabbits live about 800 years in the wild and can be sent by as many as 12 years

·         Rabbit teeth do not stop growing and many people think that they have to eat to keep    

their teeth alive while they are enjoying 


Some rabbits are very cat and some can grow up as a child. Smaller rabbits such as dwarf rabbits can be less than eight inches long and weigh less than  pound.

the largest is the large fish, enlarged. more than 5 kg.


Rabbit is known to have three to four cubs per year, whereas only 15% of baby rabbits usually die one year after birth. 

So, rabbits give birth a lot of time to make up for lost time. Each pregnancy produces between 3 and 8 weeks, called “cats,” and after four or five weeks, most adolescents become self-reliant.

 He used to be European and African, but now there are rabbits all over the world. It inhabits most of the deserts of the world except South America, West Indies, Madagascar and many islands of Southeast Asia. Local rabits require a designated area to protect against extreme heat or hypothermia, on the other hand rabbits do not suffer from this problem where their housing is built at different temperatures. Hare can be found in the woods, grasslands, meadows, deserts, tundra and wetlands rabbits produce their own homes by digging tunnels in the ground and putting rooms and bedrooms have several doors for quick escape. The tunnel can be as deep as 3 meters underground.

 Regional rabbits are found in Europe and the Animal Zone, where scientists around the world find that the vast majority of the population hunting rabbits of land extracted from the wild ranges from 95% to 80%
